RT 4.4.3 and RTIR 4.0.1 Released

Best Practical is happy to announce a new set of releases for RT and RTIR for both the 4.4 series and also the 4.2 series. Here is a full list of new versions now available:

  •  RT 4.2.15
  •  RTIR 3.2.1 (works with RT 4.2.15)
  •  RT 4.4.3
  •  RTIR 4.0.1 (works with RT 4.4.3)

These releases include a number of updates and fixes. Here are just a few of the more notable changes:

  • In the Query Builder, you can now select Active and Inactive for status and it will include all statuses that match the one you select. This can save adding a list of different statuses to see "what tickets are being worked on?"
  • In RT, the Owner dropdown menu automatically converts to an autocomplete text box when it reaches 50 users. This number can now be set via the configuration option DropdownMenuLimit so you can easily update it to continue to show the dropdown with larger numbers.
  • For accessibility, we added a user preference to use the previous attachment upload interface on the update page rather than the new dropzone file uploader.
  • On the update page, recipient checkbox issues are fixed. Previously users would observe checkboxes for recipients below the message box getting checked or unchecked unexpectedly. This happened because the page calls back to the RT server to process any changes you make on the page and sometimes the response could conflict with boxes you may have checked. We've tried several different fixes and included the one that worked best. You'll now see the page is grayed out until the response from the server is processed so you know not to try modifying things while it's still running.

As always, you can view the full set of changes in our release notes. You can also view them on github using the details noted at the bottom of the release notes.

Instructions for updating RT and RTIR are provided in the README files for each release. Always make sure you have good database and file backups before upgrading. Contact Best Practical at sales@bestpractical.com if you need professional assistance with upgrading from any previous versions of RT or RTIR.

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