Technical Specifications for Our Products

RT is a server-side, database-backed web application which works with any modern browser, including many popular mobile devices, and the email interface works with any mail client, from Outlook to Apple Mail to Thunderbird to Gmail to Mutt. On the server side, RT requires a Unix-like or Linux operating system, SQL database, web server, and Perl.

Operating system

Linux (all distros we've tried), Mac OS X, FreeBSD, Solaris, or another Unix-like operating system


MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, and Oracle

Web server

Apache, Lighttpd, nginx, or any other server which supports FastCGI

The README describes the install process. You can use packaged versions for most of the above. RT is written in Perl and uses additional modules from CPAN. You can find details on managing a Perl for RT in the RT documentation.