RT 5.0 Alpha 1 Demo Site Available

As we wrote last week, a pre-release alpha version of the upcoming RT 5.0 release is now available. We know not everyone has the time or extra servers to install the new code, so we spun up a new demo site for people who want to take a look. Right now this demo is mostly to allow people to preview RT 5.0 and the guest account is somewhat limited. We’ll continue to update it as we add more features and fixes.

If you find bugs or have feedback for us, you can open a ticket in our public RT system. You can sign in with a Google account, post as a guest, or just send email to rt-bugs@bestpractical.com which will automatically create a public ticket. If you’re interested in RT in general, either as a new user or upgrading from an older version of RT, you can email us at sales@bestpractical.com to get a personal demo site or to ask questions.

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