RTIR 4.0.0 released

We're very excited to announce the availability of RTIR 4.0.0: the first release for the next major version of RTIR. We have completely rearchitected RTIR queues in order to significantly improve RTIR's flexibility and performance. As this is a new major version number, with many changes throughout the entire system, we urge you to carefully test your configuration and customizations. Additionally, RTIR 4.0.0 is the first release of RTIR compatible with RT 4.4.

A quick note on the version number: while this next version of RTIR was under development, we had naturally labelled it RTIR 3.4. However, to reflect the significant architectural changes we made for constituencies and multiple queues, we decided to give this release a new major version number. If you're looking for the version of RTIR compatible with RT 4.4, RTIR 4.0i s it!

Please be sure to review the RTIR 4.0 upgrade documentation, as there are a number of backward-incompatible changes that come along with the new version number. If you are also upgrading to RT 4.4, be sure to also read RT's upgrade documentation.

A list of the major new features in RTIR 4.0.0 is included below. We'll be describing and demoing these new features in a series of right here on our blog in the coming weeks.

The list of new features is provided below. Please see our official release announcement for more information.

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  • The constituency system has been completely redesigned from the ground up. Don't worry, your existing constituencies will be migrated as part of the upgrade. Now constituencies get a full-fledged queue for each stage of the incident response workflow (one for each of reports, incidents, investigations, and countermeasures). This lets constituency queues tap into much more of RT's flexibility around custom fields, watchers, scrips, etc. This addresses many longstanding limitations around the previous constituency queue design, and significantly improves performance as well.
  • You may now have multiple queues for each type of RTIR queue: multiple Incident Report queues, multiple Incident queues, etc. Each of these queues may have its own custom fields, watchers, permissions, scrips, templates, and so on. We're excited to hear about how you make use of this new flexibility.
  • If a user has permissions to work with multiple constituencies, it is now possible to limit RTIR's web interface to a single constituency by clicking a link from the new "Work with constituency" box on the RTIR homepage.
  • Blocks have been renamed to Countermeasures to reflect their more generic use case. 

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