Request Tracker 4.4.1 release candidate 1 released

We're pleased to announce the availability of the first release candidate for RT 4.4.1. This release addresses several bugs in Request Tracker 4.4.0 and also adds a few small but important features.

We would be thrilled to hear your experiences installing or upgrading to this release; the more feedback we get, the sooner the official release of RT 4.4.1 can occur. Please be sure to review the upgrading documentation available in docs/UPGRADING-4.4, as there are a number of important changes to be aware of. Even if you're upgrading from RT 4.4.0, you'll want to look at the bottom of that document for 4.4.1-specific upgrading notes.

The list of new features is provided below. For more information, including the complete set of changes and bugfixes, please see our official release announcement.

  • Administrators and users can now choose to place signatures above the quoted message in replies (RT_Config setting SignatureAboveQuote and the similarly named user preference). This also improves the specific spacing between quotes and signatures in all configurations.
  • Users may now choose to suppress dashboard email when all of its searches have no results. This is controlled by the new "Suppress if empty" checkbox on the subscription page.
  • The Dashboard subscription recipient options have been greatly expanded from a single text field (which happened to support multiple email address separated with a comma) to a robust user/group search.
  • Users may now select a specific language for each dashboard email subscription. Administrators can customize the method by which dashboard email language is chosen (including specifying an ultimate fallback other than English) with the @EmailDashboardLanguageOrder RT_Config option.
  • The "hide unset fields" preference now also hides unset custom fields, obsoleting RT::Extension::CustomField::HideEmptyValues.  Additionally there is now a toggle button at the top right of the ticket display page for quickly toggling whether unset fields are hidden or shown.
  • There is a new SetInitialCustomField right that permits setting custom field values on records (tickets, assets, articles) while you are creating them. It does not permit modifying custom field values of existing records. Users with SetInitialCustomField but without ShowCustomField will still be able to specify a custom field value at create time but not see it afterwards.
  • Administrators and users can now choose to display queue dropdowns as an autocomplete field (RT_Config setting "AutocompleteQueues"), much like is available for Owners. If your RT instance has many queues this option improves performance and usability.
  • New config for hiding time worked, time estimated, and time left from unprivileged users in the self-service interface (RT_Config setting "HideTimeWorkedForUnprivilegedUsers"). This also adds a hook point RT::Ticket::CurrentUserCanSeeTime for further customization.
  • Long attachment lists now show only the five newest attachments with an AJAX "Show all" link. This should improve the performance and usability of both ticket display and ticket reply pages.

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