RT 4 adds many options you can put in your etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm totweak the way your RT looks and behaves for your users, as well as how RT works behind the scenes. Some of the new options are also available as individual user preferences by going to the Logged in as … → Settings → Options page.
In this blog post, we'll provide an overview of most of the new options.
$AutocompleteOwners and $UserAutocompleteFields
These options are discussed in our blog post on autocompletion.
$DisplayTicketAfterQuickCreate(user pref)
Enable this to redirect to the created ticket display page automatically when using QuickCreate.
$MoreAboutRequestorExtraInfo, $MoreAboutRequestorGroupsLimit, and $MoreAboutRequestorTicketList
These options affect the "More about requestors" box on the ticket display page and will be discussed in a separate upcoming blog post about customizing the displayed requestor information. (If you're eager to customize this, read the sections in etc/RT_Config.pm.)
This determines if the "More about requestors" box on the ticket display page shows information about privileged users. By default it only shows information about unprivileged users.
By default, the simple search in the upper right corner only searches active tickets. If you want to search for a specific status, you can include the status in your search. If you want to search all ticekts regardless of status, disable this option.
When only one ticket is found in search, use this to redirect to the ticket display page automatically. Disabled by default.
$SimplifiedRecipients(user pref)
Display a simple list of who will receive any kind of mail on the ticket reply page, instead of a detailed breakdown by scrip. Disabled by default.

$RememberDefaultQueue(user pref)
Remembers the last queue you created a ticket in using the "New ticket in" button and queue list at the top of the page. If you haven't created a ticket in your current session, the Default Queue preference is used. Disabled by default.
$DeferTransactionLoading(user pref)
When set to 1, the ticket display page will omit the ticket history until a link is clicked to load and display the history. This can be useful if you routinely browse long-running tickets but don't need to always read the history. Disabled by default.

$UseSideBySideLayout(user pref)
Display the ticket create and update pages using two columns on screens that are wide enough. The new two column pages are much more effective at making more information visible on a single page, especially with many custom fields. Enabled by default.
Enable this option to display the Articles search and selection interface on the Ticket Create page in addition to the Reply/Comment page.
Enable this option to hide the search and include boxes from the Article UI. This assumes you have enabled the Article Hotlist feature on at least one of your Classes, otherwise you will have no access to Articles. This option does not hide the Articles link in the Tools menu.
The available flags under %FullTextSearch are discussed in our blog post on fast full-text searching in RT.
Lifecycles are a powerful way to describe custom workflows for your tickets on a per-queue basis. We'll be covering them in depth in an upcoming blog post. If you're feeling adventurous and would like to dive in early, there is a decent amount of documentation in the Lifecycles section of perldoc etc/RT_Config.pm.
Files in this list will be included in the CSS (squished and unsquished) that RT serves. Recommended if you want local CSS changes that apply to all themes. Alternatively, you can use the advanced section of the Theme editor if you don't need a file on disk.
If set to 0, framekiller javascript will be disabled and the X-Frame-Options: DENY header will be suppressed from all responses. This disables RT's clickjacking protection. It is highly recommended you leave this option set to 1 unless you are embedding RT in an iframe from a different domain.
Removed options
A handful of options were removed in 4.0, because they were made obsolete by new features or we added a better way to change the behaviour. The most used options that are unsupported in 4.0:
- @ActiveStatus
- @InactiveStatus
- $ResolveDefaultUpdateType
- $SuppressAutoOpenOnUpdate
The first three of these options affect what is now controlled by lifecycles. By defining your own lifecycle or modifying the default, you can reapply the functionality. The last option, $SuppressAutoOpenOnUpdate, can be customized by modifying the stock scrip On Correspond Open Tickets that ships with RT.
Setting options
All the options RT supports are documented in etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm, along with their defaults. To set any of them to a different value for your installation, add the appropriate Set( $OptionName, 'value' ); line to your etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm, clear the mason cache, and restart your webserver. Be sure to only have one Set(...) line for each option, otherwise only the first one will take affect.