Bookmarking Tickets: How and Why

Do you ever want to keep track of a ticket but you're not associated with it in a typical way? Maybe you're not the owner, or the ticket is in a different queue that you don't usually watch. Perhaps it's been resolved but had some really good information, and you don't want to lose track of it.

RT's Bookmarks are a simple way to mark these tickets so you can easily find them later.

For most installs Bookmarks will be turned on by default. If it isn’t click Edit on RT's homepage, and add it to either the RT at a Glance Body, or Sidebar.

RT at a glance.png

To Bookmark a ticket, click the star icon in the upper-right corner in the Ticket menu on any ticket. It will turn yellow.

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You can Bookmark any ticket you have access to, and it will get added to RT's 'At a Glance' homepage -- this allows for one-click access back to the ticket.

bookmark widget on dash.png

By default, Bookmarked tickets will be displayed regardless of their status (open, stalled, resolved, etc.); however, you can also include Bookmarked tickets in your saved searches by adding:

id = '__Bookmarked__'

along with any additional search parameters you would like to using RT's QueryBuilder.

Give Bookmarks a try today!

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